SpiritStrong - Live true to one's self


"Everything is energy and, therefore,
alive and receptive to energy."  -Frank Arjava Petter in Reiki Fire

Experience the healing and transforming power of Reiki with Denise Gentry. Get relief from pain. Quicken recovery from injury, illness and surgery. Treat the total mind-body-spirit system for deeply curative and strengthening effects.

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is an ancient healing art recovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan in the late 19th century. Reiki works naturally and holistically with the body's own energy system, tapping latent potential energy. Since Dr. Usui's deep devotion to the path of Reiki, thousands have been initiated, the efficacy of energy healing has been studied and reported, and Reiki has spread more and more to the mainstream.

Everyone can realize the benefits of Reiki's subtle and potent effects including:

» Read what others are saying about the impact of Reiki in their lives.